Choose password: High security

Your "vital" encryption password, for all private keys and to unlock the Frankenwallet drive

This password will be brand new as well as matching the requirements of the "low security password" :

  • length & complexity enough to hash to about 2^128 possible values (at least 20 apparently random characters)
  • it has never been entered or stored on your, or anyone's, host machine, ever.

The safest thing of course is to come up with a completely new password… but use something like the tips on the next page to make sure you will be able to recall the password later.

  • Hint: composing & practising the password in a text file on a "stateless" machine like an OS installer or the Tails environment won't breach the password).

This password will be used to encrypt:

➤ The entire Frankenwallet disk itself.

➤ Documents you prepare on the Frankenwallet to be saved on the host computer, but are too confidential to ever open there (i.e. anything containing private keys or seed words, e.g. a document with all your wallet data, or a "will" for your crypto assets with wallet seed phrases)

➤ Archives of these "high security files" (examples for the Cardano blockchain) stored on the host computer:

  • stake pool ownership files:
    • your pool stake address signing key (stake.skey)
    • cold key pair signing key (cold.skey)
    • KES and VRF signing keys (kes.skey, vrf.skey)
    • your pool operational certificate (node.cert)
  • signing keys for:
    • your pool pledge address (payment.skey)
  • the private / signing component of any key pair, especially for addresses with funds (*.skey)

Note the list of "high security" keys here can be use to steal your funds and divert the rewards, or disrupt the operations, of a Cardano stake pool... as opposed to the low security keys which can only be used for verification and observation, and therefore are a lower risk of compromise.

Note also that the password encrypting the Frankenwallet doesn't have to be the same as the one encrypting high security key archives & files, but:

➤ Having the same password for both purposes (whole-drive and file encryption) ensures that meeting the strict password security requirements for one purpose will also apply to the other.

➤ Therefore it is better to have one single long, complicated, unique password — which you can commit to memory for both purposes — rather than have two separate passwords for virtually the same purpose… making it more likely to forget either of them.

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